Wednesday 30 November 2011

Adding Music to a Video.

This is the Sequence bar where I have dragged and dropped an MP3 file in to the window which is indicated by the different icon on the left hand side of the file name. We don't need all of the song, only a select bit so to edit it, we double click on the music file.

This window is then shown where the entire song is shown in noise bars so as it is easier to tell what section of the song that you are on.

To select the section of music that you want, you choose the time on the scale where you want to start the section of music and click on the arrow button below the scale that indicates where the music will stop. You can see the little blue arrow on the timing section that shows this. To end the section, you do the same but with the inverted arrow which also shows up as blue on the timing section.

You can then drag and drop the music on to the sequence below the movie itself, however, the piece of music is too long for the length of the movie so we need to use the 'Razor' tool to cut off the piece of music that we don't need.

By using the 'Razor' tool, you can see that there is a line in the music that is of equal length to the movie section. That is where the cut in the music is and we can use the arrow tool to both move it away from the rest and then delete it as we don't need it. 

Both the music and movie are now in line so the music will start and finish when the movie does. All that's left to do is render the whole project.

To do this we do the same process as last time by choosing the 'Sequence' bar and then 'Render All' however, we then choose to render both so as they both work together.

This is how the final rendered project should look like, making sure that both the movie and music work together.

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