Wednesday 30 November 2011

Evaluation of the Stop Motion Photoshoot.

     I think that the photoshoot went really well as our group worked really well together and someone took charge to help organize where everyone was and who was doing what so as we didn't get confused or move something that we weren't meant to. I also think that although our idea was fairly simple, it was executed very well by all of the group and the outcome looked very good. I also like the set that we created out of material and stones as it added character to out idea and looked good on the photos.
     I think that we could have come up with a more complex idea had we have had more time like the other group did however our idea was simple and rushed as we weren't sure of what to do. I also think that we should have tried harder to keep out of the shots as in some of the images you can see some of us as well as getting in the way of the flash which resulted in some of the images coming out darker than others.
     If we were to do this again, I think we would come up with a more complex idea and execute it better by keeping people out of the way when the shots were taken. I think we would also use different materials on the set so as to make it look more realistic and have less of a cartoon feel to it. We would keep the same person to lead us though as they knew what to do and did that very well by telling us what to do and helping us throughout the shoot.

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