Wednesday 7 December 2011

Using the Xbox Kinect in the Studio.

     For week 6 of our assignment we started to look at the area of animation that is controlled by movement and will give us a better understanding of how 'Motion Capture' operates. The Xbox 360 Kinect is a good example of this type of animation as it requires kinetic energy (or movement) for the games to work by having a camera as a sensor which tracks the person in front of it and all of their movement and gestures.

     For this task we used the following equipment;

Apple Mac Desktop Computer.

Plasma Tv.

Xbox 360.

Xbox Kinect System and Cables.

Extension Lead.

Fully Equipped Photography Studio with Lights and Accessories.

Flip Video Camera.


     All equipment has been safety checked before we used it and was also set up in the studio so as we had enough space to safely use the motion controllers and move around in the large space. 

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